Trisha Alexis Maingat

Extended BIR Tax Filing

25 Mar: BIR Issues RMC NO. 31-2020 Extending the Perios for Filing/Submission of Documents and Correspondences under Tax Code

The Bureau of Internal Revenue issues RMC No. 31-2020 which extends the period for filing/ submission of documents/ correspondences under Tax Code. The extension is applicable to taxpayers whose response to their NIC, PAN, FAN, FLD, FDDA, and other similar notices fall due on dates within the period of ECQ.

Tax filing Deadline Philippines

24 Mar: BIR Issues RMC NO. 30-2020 Relative to Extended Tax Filing Deadlines in the Philippines

The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) releases Revenue Memorandum Circular (RMC) No. 30-2020, an amendment to RMC No. 29-2020 and clarifications on RMC No. 28-2020, to address confusion and inadvertent errors presented in the former circulars released relative to the extended deadlines for tax filings, payments, and other returns.