DOF To Fully Fund the UHC Law Despite PhilHealth Issues
The Department of Finance (DOF) assures the public that the government will fund the Universal Health Care (UHC) law despite corruption allegations against the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth).
Finance Secretary Carlos G. Dominguez III states that the Bureau of Treasury and the Insurance Commission are collaborating with the PhilHealth administration to address its financial troubles.
Dominguez continues, “The DOF team, composed of an undersecretary, the national treasurer, and a deputy commissioner of the Insurance Commission, has been working closely with PhilHealth since October of 2019 to achieve the President’s goal of providing UHC.”
The Universal Health Care Law, also known as Republic Act No. 11223, was signed into law on February 20, 2019. The law automatically enrolls all Filipino citizens into the National Health Insurance Program and prescribes complementary reforms in the public healthcare system.
According to the Finance Secretary, the DOF team will soon develop options that will strengthen PhilHealth’s fund life and the necessary tools to administer the UHC.
The chief economic manager also reassures to help in closing all leakages of PhilHealth’s finances, allowing funds from members’ premiums and taxpayers to be appropriately utilized.
The DOF team met with PhilHealth officials, led by newly-appointed PhilHealth President Dante Gierran, last Friday, September 4, to discuss their proposals regarding the health insurance’s policy-making body.
Several lawmakers expressed their confidence that the former National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) director has strong credentials to resolve PhilHealth’s corruption allegations.
In August, President Rodrigo Duterte asked former Philhealth President Riccardo Morales to vacate his position due to his failing health.
Morales is currently being investigated for the alleged corruption and is reportedly undergoing cancer treatment during his absence.